郑泽宇 | Zeyu Zheng

What you need is that your brain is open.

—— Erdős Pál

Zeyu Zheng's Photo

Hi! I am a Ph.D. student in ACO (Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization) at Carnegie Mellon University.
Previously, I received a B.S. Computational Math from Fudan University, and a B.A. Mathematics with a minor in Computer Science from Rutgers University, both in 2023. I also spent two wonderful semesters at Budapest Semesters in Mathematics in the spring and summer of 2022.

E-mail: zeyuzhen@andrew.cmu.edu
Google Scholar


Research Works

  1. On the Turán number of the linear 3-graph C13
  2. Chaoliang Tang, Hehui Wu, Shengtong Zhang, Zeyu Zheng
    The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (2022), P3–46.

  3. Common kings of a chain of cycles in a strong tournament
  4. Logan Post, Zeyu Zheng
    Graphs and Combinatorics 39 (2023), no. 4, 71.

  5. Four-regular graphs with extremal rigidity properties
  6. Tibor Jordán, Robin Huang, Henry Simmons, Kaylee Weatherspoon, Zeyu Zheng
    Discrete Mathematics 347 (2024), no. 4, 113833.

  7. Extremal planar graphs with no cycles of particular lengths
  8. Ervin Győri, Xianzhi Wang, Zeyu Zheng
    Under review

  9. Sandpile Prediction on Undirected Graphs
  10. Ruinian Chang, Jingbang Chen, Ian Munro, Richard Peng, Qingyu Shi, Zeyu Zheng

  11. Independent sets in hypergraphs
  12. Bhargav Narayanan, Michail Sarantis, Prasad Tetali, Zeyu Zheng
    Coming soon

